
YIKES the last few months have been hard.

I’ve taken on a lot. Possibly more than I can handle, but I’m learning a lot in the process.

I’ve had some lofty training goals (my first Marathon and my first triathlon). Some big work goals. A wild and wonderful toddler to keep up with. A marriage to nurture. A social life to maintain. All while trying to get 8 hours of sleep, drink my water, eat enough protein, manage Angus’s schedule, keep the dog healthy, grocery shop, and the list goes on.

I’m still working on finding equilibrium in many areas of my life, but the last few months have been such a balancing act in finding time to train! I’ve had to learn to be flexible and take time to train where possible, but also accept that life is unpredictable and sometimes planned training sessions won’t happen. Instead of getting my head down like I would have in the past, I’ve learned to accept that I’m a very busy human with a small child and I can simply do my best.

Once I let go of expectations, I’ve had so much fun. This weekend I competed in my first ever triathlon with a friend and truly didn’t care about the time. I enjoyed every second of the race.

The marathon is coming up and I’m excited to run it, soak up the energy and see what I can do. My training has been far from perfect, but I know I’ve done what I can and I’m proud of myself. I’ve finally given up on comparing my efforts to others, who have totally different life circumstances to me.

Even though I sometimes struggle with perfectionism myself, I always consider a clients whole life when supporting them with a training schedule to make sure I set them up for success.

We look at the whole picture, figure out what goals are truly realistic and supportive for each individual’s lifestyle. We keep it flexible. Push when the stars align and pull back when life happens.

Life is beautiful, messy and ever changing. When choosing a coach to work with, make sure they create a program that works for your individual lifestyle, rather than a one size fits all approach.

Laura 💛


Core training in pregnancy