It starts with the breath

It starts with the breath…

Just had a baby and don’t know where to start? 

If you answered yes to the above, you are not alone! In fact, I’d guess that you are in the majority. 

The information out there for post natal safe exercise is SO varied. Then layer on the fact that we’re all starting at different stages of healing, prior fitness levels, energy levels (oh hey sleep deprivation) and time available.

In an ideal world, where time and financial constraints don’t exist, we’d all book in for some pelvic floor PT and sign up with a postnatal exercise specialist to ensure your programing is unique to your individual circumstances. 

When this isn’t possible, we can all be sure that the first thing we need to do when returning to exercise is reconnecting with our core. 

The best way to do that? By breathing! 

Here are some of my favorite breath focused exercises for core reconnection. 

Full range pull in with Diaphragmatic Breath

Standing full range pull in with 10 second hold

Supine heel slides

Incline plank full range pull in

Seated backwards leaning full range pull in

Credit to the wonderful Pelvic Floor PT Munira Hudani for some of these exercises learned in her Core rehab program.

In my next post I’ll share some ideas on how to level up these exercises and take your core healing to the next level. 



Laura Stronach is a fully certified personal trainer working with women at all stages of life. If you’re in need of a non-judgmental cheerleader who truly wants you to succeed, she could be just the coach for you.

Reach out and say hi


Learning to roll with the punches