Learning to roll with the punches

From one very busy woman to another, finding time to fit in exercise can be HARD.  Before having my son, my own training looked so very different. I’d take a HIIT class 3-4 days a week, strength train at least twice, take the dog on a nice long walk each day and even find time to surf at least twice a week. 

Life looks very, very different these days since becoming a mum. Especially for the dog. 

I exercise as and when I can and I train for health, not aesthetics. I follow a program to keep me accountable, but I do so with the knowledge that sometimes I’ll have to adapt

Maybe I’ve had a really rough day and would rather go outside for a run than be in the gym. Maybe I have a strength session programmed and my son is sent home sick from school, so I comfort him instead. 

Sometimes my husband has whole weeks away for work and I’m too exhausted after bedtime to train. I can’t do it early because I reserve that time for my clients. 

And forget surfing twice a week. Twice a month feels like a miracle!

Does having to change my plans so much bother me? YES! 

Has it helped me step away from a world of rigidity around training? Also yes.

Do I have wish I could train more? Yes again. 

The last few months have felt like utter chaos to me. More often than not my plans have changed and I’ve had to adapt to whatever I can do in the moment. 

I try to remember that something is always better than nothing. If gym time is derailed, take a walk. If I have only 20 minutes, a quick HIIT or spin might do the trick. 

As a personal trainer and nutrition coach I spend a lot of time talking to my clients about the concept of being consistently imperfect and learning to adapt. Letting go of the mindset that it must be perfect to take action. 

Whether it’s fitness, nutrition, career or lifestyle, the more your coach understands about YOU and your unique life challenges, the more they can help set you up for success.



Laura Stronach is a fully certified personal trainer working with women at all stages of life. If you’re in need of a non-judgmental cheerleader who truly wants you to succeed, she could be just the coach for you.

Reach out and say hi.


It starts with the breath


Core training in pregnancy